It is really hard to find decent books for boys that aren't gross (Like, Captain Underpants & The Bionic Booger Boy? Ew) so I thought I would start a series on books for boys that we discover & love! My son loves to read & is an advanced reader reading on an almost 6th grade reading level (he's in 3rd grade) so we read lots and lots of books here every week & go to the library regularly, plus he gets two books from the school library every week.
Gauge has a distaste for chapter books in favor of non-fiction science, nature, animal, or weird fact books. Really, he can quote every page of his Kids World Records book. And will tell you any chance he gets that he read about *insert anything here* in a book and the book said that *interest several interesting facts here* and goodness help you if you say your dogs nose is wet because he will quickly inform you that no, dog's noses don't produce moisture, dogs noses are actually dry and are only moist because they lick them - and that is the sort of things he loves to read about & gets really excited about.
And that is why I was so surprised by how much he adored this book!

I recently picked this cute book up from a leave one, take one free library based solely on the fact I wanted to read it (Who doesn't love a good fairy tale?) and also, I hoped my son would like to read it as well. It's about a tiny squire who has to rescue a princess from a fearsome dragon queen - a story about bravery & courage & tiny little boys doing very big things.
My son dove right into this book! This is the first fiction chapter book that has totally engrossed my son and gotten him excited to see where the story goes & talking about a book's story and what he hopes happens rather than just reciting a fact he read in a book, which is why I just had to share it with you guys! Anything that gets his little imagination going makes mah heart happy!
The art in this book is just delightful & I think may be part of the reason Gauge enjoys it so much! He says what he enjoys about the story is that the squire is little, like he is, and goes on grand adventures & that he likes him because he is always brave even if he is little, plus he is training to be a knight, and how cool is that? (I love how my son talks about stories - I need to find more books like this one!)
It has what I consider great vocabulary words for elementary school aged children - my son's favorite new words from this book are: ridicule, groggily, liege, precaution and conspirator. He loves finding new ways to use them in sentences & loves telling people all about the new words he's learned from this story and what they mean. The story is well written for young readers & exciting from the very first chapter - my son read 90 pages in his first sitting with this book!
I'd highly recommend this book for young boys (and girls!) who love a good tale of a brave little hero going on grand adventures! I think kids, say, 8 to 12 would most enjoy this book, younger readers may need some assistance with the larger words & meaning of some phrases.
Has your kiddo read any good books lately? Share them in the comments - I'm always looking for book recommendations!