Jul 15, 2012

Moving update + schedule change!

Remember my post about our impending move to South Carolina?

We were supposed to secure a rental and leave July 19th, to get there in time to adjust to the time difference and prep the kidlet for a harsh reality (while school starts at 9:15 here, it starts at 7:25 at his new school, which is 6:25 in the time zone that he is used to!). Unfortunately, those plans didn't work out - things took a turn for the most excellent!

It turns out the family that lives right behind my aunt and uncle (literally, they have a shared driveway!) are selling their house! They are in a hurry to sell, we are in a hurry to buy, and they would rather sell to a family friend than a stranger! The circumstances couldn't be better! The location is perfect, right by my family, which was the main reason for the move. We are in the school district we wanted to be in, and the house has the perfect amount of bedrooms (three! So I have a separate space for my studio! Yay!) and it's on a bit of land, mostly wooded, which is a huge plus for us. Lots of room for Ripley and we can't wait to plant a garden next spring! It has a spacious front porch, much larger kitchen than we have now, and a larger living area! It also has an attached two car garage and a storage shed outside (hooray - a place to store all of my craft show displays!). I can't wait until we move and I can give you all a virtual tour! I am so excited!

But now that our big move is lurking just around the corner, it's time to start working on our schedule. School starting about 3 hours earlier is going to take some getting used to! We are starting out small, and only waking up about an hour earlier than normal for now. Once we can drag ourselves out of bed at 6am without much complaining, we'll bump the time back bit by bit until we're rising at 5am, central time.

It makes me yawn just thinking about it! But it is so worth it, to be closer to my family! ♥ I am so excited for our move and cannot wait to get there! No idea when our definite move date is though until we find out if our offer is accepted and when our closing date is, but I will keep you all posted! :)

I'm curious - what time do you typically wake up in the mornings?


  1. 9:15!! That is crazy! I have never heard of school starting that late. It was always 7:15 when I was in school. Other than college which I gladly made my schedule for later in the day.

    We get up at 6:15 at my house now or that is the goal every day haha

    1. I was shocked when I moved here and found out school started so late! I had never heard of such a thing! Haha! The latest I knew of any of my friends going to school was 8:10am. They go until 4pm here and I hate it, by the time G is home from school it's time for dinner, bath, a wee bit of play time, then bed! :(

  2. That's so exciting!! I cant wait for the virtual tour! I wake up at 6am here were still on summer break but kindergarten stats at 8:20am and the elementary school starts at 9:20

  3. Usually 6:45 thanks to Mollie. I hate it. She slept in till 9 yesterday so I gave her cake for breakfast LOL

    1. She's so cute she deserves cake for breakfast every day! lol!

  4. We get up around 7/7:30 each morning. While that is still too early for me (i'm definitely more suited to my teenagers' rhythm of late to bed, noon to rise.), it's better than waking with my husband at 4:30!

    First grade is from 8:30-2:30 at our homeschool co-op. The high-schoolers of the house have class starting at 7:20! (crazy early if you ask me) and they are home by 2:30.

    Good luck oon the new house!

    1. Thanks! I think the thing I am looking forward to the most about the switch is school being out around 2!!

  5. Wonderful and exciting news. I not only wake up around 6:00a, I always try to actually get up! :)

    1. See - THAT is the hard part, actually getting out of bed! lol

  6. 7:25? Wow, that's ridiculous early! I threw a fit when they moved us to 7:45 in high school. Elementary has always started at 9 to me! Well, I guess that's easier on working parents... I dunno. It always seemed backward since younger kids seemed to wake earlier--until I birthed three nocturnals ;)

    1. I thought 9am was SUPER late for school to start, but now I know I am REALLY going to miss it! lol

  7. I have early risers so I'm okay with earlier but ours starts at 8:30 I still try and get kids up by about 6:30 that way we can get more done in the morn and have extra play time after school.



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