If not, just to highlight some of the perks of Storenvy.com real quick -
- 100% *FREE* to use.
- Unlimited listings, for free. 10 items, or 10,000. It's up to you.
- 100% customizable - play it safe and add a background and banner, or go bold and add product slide shows, music, and videos by editing the HTML.
- Excellent opt-in features, like domain hosting (I switched from luanded.storenvy.com to luanded.com recently!) and Super Discounts which allow you multiple ways to offer discounts to your buyers (even without Super Discounts, you can still offer %-off with a coupon code in your shop!)
- Product labels - mark new collections as "Coming Soon" (like my monster totes that launch September 1st), sold out, pre-order or on sale!
Eek! So exciting! If my posts above have you intrigued, but you don't wanna upload each product from your Etsy store over on Storenvy - no worries, there's an app for that. You can easily import your Etsy items over to Storenvy! And Storenvy has even more great features in the works (they are always adding awesome new tools for their users!) so now is a great time to make the switch - or take the plunge, and open your own online shop!
Plus, if you help Storenvy.com reach 20,000 stores, everybody wins! If they hit 20,000 launches stores by Monday they are going to give all 20,000 of the stores the Super Discounts feature free for a month! Super Discounts allows stores to hold promotions such as Free Shipping, Buy One Get One Free, %-Off and $-Off - I have them activated in my store (it is $2.99 a month to use this -awesome- extra feature) and really love having the extra options available to offer discounts to monster lovers!
So what do you think? Are you going to try Storenvy.com out?
I just want to say that I LOOOVE Storenvy! :) I do have a small etsy shop but I NEVER stock it like I do Storenvy and I run everything I can through my Storenvy shop. I recommend Storenvy to everyone I know trying to open a shop! :)